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SCOPEx is the name of a collection of individuals who believe in excellence. We specialize in hiring people who have the drive to succeed and the will to implement the discipline required to succeed. We focus on nurturing our team and providing our team an environment that is conductive to creative thought. We focus on eliminating stress and pressure so our team can think clearly and creatively.

When you work at SCOPEx, you get to be part of a team that is known for its performance. We are efficiency driven professionals who focus on the endgame.

SCOPEx focuses not just on recruiting individuals that are performance oriented but also on developing them. To us it is important to ensure that our clients are satisfied and are being served with the care and respect they deserve.

open positions

Job Posting Title Location Department Date
SENIOR SUPPLY CHAIN CONSULTANT SCOPEx Rijnkaai 33/201 2000 Antwerp, Belgium Supply Chain January 1, 2017

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